£0-£450k in first 12 months in business
Teranga [Case Study]
Background: Teranga is our agency business specialising in SEO. We launched in 2021 and achieved scale very quickly. Teranga now sits as an established brand within our group (beetu.be) and continues to go from strength to strength.
Brand new business in a very competitive marketplace (marketing!)
Limited budget to invest in marketing
Needed a predictable pipeline of new business
Hit £50k per month within 4 months of public launch and ended year one with ~£450k revenue (at 80% GP margins)
0-8 full time team members in first 12 months
Found “market resonance” in a very competitive market
Reached comfortable set point between 20-30 clients
Predictable inbound client acquisition machine generates 10-15 qualified demos per month and 2-3 new clients on average